Metric units of mass

Published: 10/31/2020 Last updated: 10/31/2020

Do you want to know metric units of mass or maybe learn something more about metric system units of mass? Here you are. We prepared a compendium about metric units of mass in a nutshell. What does it mean? Mass of knowledge in an accessible form, understandable for everyone. So let’s start.

Before we move on to the individual metric units of mass, we want to tell you a little about the metric system of units at all. It will be our starting point. Simply put, it is a system of measurement. What distinguishes the metric system of units? The units. The most commonly used units in this system are meter, gram and second. In this article we want to focus on metric units of mass mostly. So let’s move on to the main topic of our article.

Metric unit for mass

One of the most commonly asked questions is: What are all the units of mass? It will take so much time to show you all units of mass from all over the world. And we think it is not necessary, especially in this article. We will only give you an example. For instance, do you know what is the Imperial unit for Mass? In the Imperial system of measurement is used the pound as a unit of mass. 

Now let’s move on to the metric system of units. What are the 3 most common metric units of mass? The 3 most common metric units of mass are:

  • milligram,
  • gram,
  • kilogram.

We can also narrow down the number of most common metric units of mass, for instance, to two numbers. So what are 2 metric units of mass? The 2 most common metric units of mass are:

  • gram,
  • kilogram.

You know now what are two metric units of mass commonly used, so we want to show you the one most common, basic metric unit of mass. So what’s the basic metric unit of mass? The metric unit of mass is:

  •  gram.

You know what are metric units of mass, so now we want to tell you how to convert metric units of mass. We will show you two different methods – one using metric units of mass chart and second using metric units of mass calculator.

We will start with a metric units of mass conversion chart. How to use it? Just pick the unit which you have and see how much it is in another metric unit in which you want to get the result. Then multiply or divide the number of the first unit which you currently have by the number given in the table.

Let’s see it in practice. Down below is a little metric units of mass chart. We put metric units of mass in order from smallest to largest. We will convert 4.2 kg to grams using this table.

1 milligram 0.0001 gram
1 decagram 10 grams
1 kilogram 1000 grams

So as you can see, 1 kilogram is 1000 grams. Now you have to convert 4.2 by 1000. It gives 4200 grams. That’s your result.

Your metric units conversion skills you can exercise using metric unit conversion mass worksheet answers. You will find there many practical examples to exercise itself and also the answers to check if your result is correct or not. If you will still have some troubles with metric conversion on your own, you can also watch metric units of mass video in which every example will be explained clearly.

If you want to get your result quicker and without any effort, we have for you a metric units of mass calculator. It is a web application which enables metric conversion. You just need to enter the number, pick the unit which you have and the unit which you need. That’s it!

What are metric units of mass

We hope that now you know what metric units express mass and how to make a metric mass conversion in two different ways. At the end of this article we also want to mention other metric units in short. Have a look:

  • What are metric units of mass and liquid volume? The base metric units of mass and capacity are gram and liter.
  • What metric units are volume, mass and length measured in? The 3 basic units of volume, mass and length in the metric system are: liter, gram, meter.

Check our other articles and learn about other metric units. Try also our converter and see that metric conversions can be totally effortless.

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