Formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Are you looking for a formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius? Do you want to know how to convert degree Fahrenheit into Celsius? You couldn’t have chosen better. Here you will finally find answers to all your questions about Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion.
But that’s not all. We have for you also a little tidbit. Do you know what is the easiest way to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius? We know and want to share this with you. So keep reading till the end!
Do you remember this moment when you needed to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius on your own and didn’t know what to do first? Do you remember the effort which you put in your calculations then? It doesn’t have to look like that anymore.
The Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion can be made in a simple way. Yes, also on your own. The key to success is a clear explanation and practical examples. And both you will find in this article.
Are you ready to see that the formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius can be easy to use? So keep reading.
Formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius – how does it look?
What is the formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius? We will show you in a minute how it looks. You will also see an instruction for using the formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius step by step. So let’s start.
The formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius looks as follows:
(The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit – 32) / 1.8 = the result in degrees Celsius
So what do you need to do to get the result? There are 2 mathematical operations in front of you. First, subtracting and second, dividing.
You just need to subtract 32 from the value of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Then you need to divide the result obtained by 1.8.
The formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius can be written also in 2 other ways. Have a look:
(The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit – 32) / 9/5 = the result in degrees Celsius
(The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit – 32) * 5/9 = the result in degrees Celsius
Both these 2 additional versions will give you the same result as the first formula. The only difference is in how they look. In the first formula is used the decimal fraction, in the next two versions are used normal fractions.
We will use the first formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in this article, but we want you to know that it is possible to write it also in other ways. It’s up to you which one you will pick and use to make your calculations.
Easier formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Besides the formula which we gave you above (in 3 versions), there is also another formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. And it’s definitely the easiest one to use. So why didn’t we give you the easier formula at the beginning?
You need to know that this formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius won’t give you an accurate result, but only an approximation.
So how does the easier formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius look?
(The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit – 30) / 2 = the result in degrees Celsius
How to use this version of the formula? This time you need to subtract 30 from the value of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and then divide the result obtained by 2. That’s it.
How to convert degree Fahrenheit into Celsius?
If you know the formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, it is time to see how to use it in practice. We will show you in this paragraph also the results calculated with the use of the first, full formula and the second, easier one.
Full formula
Let’s start with the first formula. Try to convert 100 Fahrenheit to Celsius. After putting this number in the formula, the calculations will look like this:
(100 – 32) / 1.8 = 37.7777778
And in step by step version:
100 – 32 = 68
68 / 1.8 = 37.7777778
So 100 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 37.7777778 degrees Celsius.
It is also possible to round off this result, for instance, to one decimal place. Then 100 degrees Fahrenheit will be 37.8 degrees Celsius.
Let’s make another example, with the use of the first formula. This time, convert 70 Fahrenheit to Celsius. The equation looks as follows:
(70 – 32) / 1.8 = 21.1111111
And in step by step way:
70 – 32 = 38
38 / 1.8 = 21.1111111
So 70 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 21.1111111 degrees Celsius.
This result can be also rounded off to one decimal place. Then 70 degrees Fahrenheit will be 21.1 degrees Celsius.
Easier formula
Now let’s calculate these 2 numbers using the easier version of the formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Let’s start with the conversion from 100 Fahrenheit to Celsius. The right equation is down below:
(100 – 30) / 2 = 35
And in step by step version:
100 – 30 = 70
70 / 2 = 35
So if you use the easier formula, 100 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 35 degrees Celsius.
And another example, now convert 70 Fahrenheit to Celsius. The calculations look as follows:
(70 – 30) / 2 = 20
And in step by step way:
70 – 30 = 40
40 / 2 = 20
So in this case, after calculating with the use of the easier formula, you get the result that 70 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 20 degrees Celsius.
So as you see, the results calculated with the full formula and the easier formula quite differ. Of course, this is not a huge difference, but in some cases it can be significant.
Difference between 20 degrees Celsius and 21.1 degrees Celsius is quite small, right? But when we compare 37.8 degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius you just have to admit that this makes a difference.
Now you know how to convert degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius with the use of 2 formulas and know how the difference between results calculated with their use look, so you can choose the best one for you.
What is the easiest way to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?
And at the end, as we promise, we have for you a little tidbit. We told you we know the easiest way to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and now we want to share it with you.
We want to share with you the calculator. But we don’t mean the physical device or calculator which you have on your smartphone. We are talking about an online calculator, fully automated. That is about the Fahrenheit to Celsius converter.
The temperature converter is based on the formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. Yes, it uses the same formula which we show you in this article. Of course in the full version, which will give you an exact result.
Why is this method the easiest way to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?
- First, you don’t need to remember the formula.
- Second, you need to just enter one number (the value of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit) and click the ‘calculate’ button.
- Third, you will get an accurate result. You don’t have to worry if you will make a mistake during calculations, because the whole process will make the temperature converter for you.
We hope that now the conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius is clear for you. You know the formula on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, how to use it in practice and also learn what is the easiest way to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. So it is time to make your move – convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in the best way for you.